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From the beginning of time God has made it clear that man has a choice to make and the free will to make his choice. In the Garden God told Adam and Eve that He had provided for them an abundance of good for their lives. Everything God created was good when used according to His design. However, if it was used other than His design then we have went against God. They had more than enough to eat in the Garden. and they were in God's presence. Yet they chose to listen to Satan rather than God and they used the tree of knowledge of good and evil in a way that God had not designed it for them to use it. This (their free will) decision brought sin and with it death (the wages of sin) into the world.

There are some things we need to notice. Everything was provided by God. He gave them an abundant life. Their free will choice of disobedience removed the abundance of God's gift and instead brought in His wrath.

Now nothing surprises God for He is omniscient (all knowing). So He had another plan in place where He would again provide an abundant life. That plan was to provide Himself through His Son as a propitiation (a redemptive replacement) for our sin. Once again as always God provides and as always we have a free will choice whether to accept His abundant life or receive the wages of our sin. Throughout scripture God explains this to us and today we will see His explanation over 400 years before He provided the propitiation (Jesus). These verses let us know that if we freely choose to accept His Savior, then He will give us abundant life, at the end of time. However, if we don't then........... Well, I will just let you read God's own words. Malachi 4:1-2 NASB1995 “For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the Lord of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” “But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.

We all have free will to make a choice. If you refuse to freely accept His gift you have made a choice to refuse His abundant life. You will instead suffer the fire because of your choice to use what God meant for good, in a disobedient way. I have done the same thing. However, I freely chose to receive His salvation in Christ. I pray you will too! If you have, then tell others about their choice of the freely given abundant life or the freely chosen eternal fire.

Love Bro. Scott


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