Nahum 3:19 There is no relief for your breakdown, Your wound is incurable. All who hear about you Will clap their hands over you, For on whom has not your evil passed continually?
Nineveh was warned and given opportunities to follow the Lord, yet they refused or only turned for a while. This is how many people act. We can learn a lesson from Nineveh.
The text says "There is no relief for your breakdown. " Nineveh had treated everyone with contempt. This is why Jonah had no desire to go to Nineveh. However, God is a forgiving God who wants none to perish. So He gives them an opportunity to repent. Mankind apart from God is just like Nineveh. They focus on the world and do not seek to help others but to help only themselves. Man only offers help that he believes will benefit him. God however, offers help for all people. Thus His people should offer the only help that benefits man for all eternity. They should do this strictly out of love. When man doesn't do this then the text says, "Your wound is incurable." When man has God's Salvation in Jesus, God cures the wound of sin and provides life eternal. However, as the text says when man doesn't except God's offer then your wound is incurable. You will suffer the pain of your sin wound forever. Nineveh, was destroyed and those who had suffered by its hands cheered that it would no longer cause suffering by leading people to follow sin instead of God.
I will close with a prayer by Chuck Smith.
Father, we thank You for Thy Word, and Thy faithfulness, and Thy righteousness, even in judgment. Father, even as Your judgment came against the Ninevites who had established themselves as your enemies, so we realize that Your judgment will one day come against all who have dared to stand against Thee. Thank You, Father, for loving us, for drawing us to Yourself. Thank You, Father, for Your goodness to those who put their trust in You. Thank You, Lord, for the help that You give to us in our days of trouble, and that we can just rely upon You, Lord, and know Your help through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Now, Father, hide Thy Word in our hearts, impress upon us Thy goodness that we might go, Lord, in Thy name, to declare Thy goodness to a needy world. That we might be the emissaries going out into the world with the good tidings of the gospel of peace, bringing good news to men, of the provision that God has made to forgive man their sins. Lord, may we be faithful heralds of Thy truth. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Love Bro Scott