Ruth 1:17 Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the Lord do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.”
Ruth was a dedicated woman. She was dedicated to her mother-in-law, and to Yahweh God. She was so dedicated she said may Yahweh kill and bury me if I don't remain dedicated. She goes on and says may Yahweh do even worse if I don't keep my vow. What is worse than death for a believer? The answer is living without God. Ruth had said immediately before our text, "Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God." She was committed to Yahweh and desired Him to be her God, even if it meant giving up all she had ever known. Ruth would give up her home country. She would give up her family. She would give up her friends. She would give up all she had to be with God and His people. How much are we willing to give up to be with God? Most Christians today after being saved are not even willing to give up 5 hours a week to be with their brothers and sisters in Christ. The sad thing is they don't realize all they are giving up in Christ to live in the world. Although they won't lose their Salvation they will lose eternity with friends because their friends will die without Christ. Why? Because the first thing you give up when a Christian lives as part of the world is their Godly witness. Thus your lost friends have lost their witness in you by you not showing the importance of God. (Your God shall be my God!!) How many people have stopped seeing the importance of God because you decided to forsake the assembling of the saints? I spoke with a person recently who said I feel as if God has left me. After a little evaluation, this person realized God had not left him but he had been attempting to leave God, by not living according to His word. How much would God change the world through you and me if we lived like Ruth? What would happen if we said, "God, if I am not completely dedicated to you then take my life and bury me or do even worse!" and meant it? Ruth meant it and was part of the lineage of Jesus. This changed the whole world! Why don't we say it today? Only say it if you mean it. God, if I am not completely dedicated to you then take my life and bury me, or do even worse!" If we are scared to say it then what does that say about our dedication to God?
Love Bro. Scott