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1 Kings 14:6 NASB1995 When Ahijah heard the sound of her feet coming in the doorway, he said, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam, why do you pretend to be another woman? For I am sent to you with a harsh message.

It breaks my heart to see so many people playing with God. Adults act just like little children. They are thumbing their noses at God like children do in school to their teachers. When we were in school, we would wait for the one who was in authority over the class (a teacher, principal, or teacher's aid) to turn their back, and then we would act up because he or she couldn't see us.

This is what so many people are doing to God today. We don't respect Him, honor Him, glorify Him, worship Him, love Him, or show Him reverence in truth. Oh, we act like we do when we take a little time for church, but the rest of the time, we curse when things go wrong; we don't serve Him if we are tired or just don't feel like worshipping Him at that moment. The crazy thing is we act, just like Jeroboam and his wife. We think that we can do as we please when He isn't looking and then disguise ourselves when we come into His presence. We act like we don't realize that He sees all. We know His word tells us that He does, and yet we do it week in and week out. We walk into His house on Sunday morning thinking He should be happy to see us. After all, we are dressed up as His sweet little children who do no wrong. However, we need to realize that God sees. He even made it so the blind prophet Ahijah knew when the wife walked in wearing her disguise. If God can reveal a fake to a blind man I know He can see a fake in church.

Listen to me, please.

We have got to, as His church, stop playing with God! Yes, He forgives His children, but there are still consequences.

Jeroboam and his wife lost their son immediately when she got home from thumbing her nose at God!

This is why I say it breaks my heart to see so many people playing with God. People that are the church have to get serious about worshipping, serving, loving, honoring, praying, showing reverence, and living in Christ. Our life can not be about the world all but 3-5 hours a week and think God will accept that. God corrects those whom He loves.

Christ didn't come early to get it over with.

He came in the fullness of time!

Christ didn't come to be pampered

He came to a young virgin girl in a manger for animals!

Christ didn't come to be served.

He came to serve!

Christ didn't come to enjoy life.

He came to be tempted in all ways, yet not sin!

Christ didn't come to be fed.

He came to be the bread of life!

Christ didn't come to live forever.

He came to die for you!

Christ didn't come to lose to death.

He came to conquer death!

While it appears and I believe God has a sense of humor, Christ didn't come as a joke.

He came to Glorify the Father by being obedient to His will and seeking to save those who were lost!

There is time to laugh, play, and work, but never at the expense of God being shown as Holy in our lives!

24-7, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, each year on earth let's not play with our living for Him!

God is seeing!

You're not hidden from Him when you thumb your nose at God.

So get serious about living for Christ.

In love, Bro. Scott


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