Colossians 1:20 NASB95 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.
The power of the gospel is an amazing thing. Its power comes through the willing actions of Christ which the gospel describes.
His sinless life, which means no death was deserved. His death which is the payment of the wages of mankind's sins. His burial revealed the truth of those wages being enormous and His resurrection defeating death and giving life the victory!
Why was all this necessary? The reason is that sin separates God's creation from the glory of God. It was because of this separation that Jesus willingly committed to the horrific actions of the cross and the glorious victory He brought in resurrection to life. God the Father desired reconciliation and God the Son said I will pay their debt for them. Therefore, just as our text reveals, it is through Christ that our reconciliation is offered.
Had it not been for the Gospel of Christ there would never be reconciliation to God for any man. Jesus was separated from God the Father on the cross to be reconciled through the resurrection so that we can be reconciled from our sins to life eternal in His righteousness.
Peace is being in the presence of God, and it is offered to us as our text says, "through the blood of His cross; through Him."
No Christ, No gospel, No reconciliation = No peace. Whether things on earth or things in heaven. It is only through Christ that peace is attainable in His reconciliation.
And through HIM to reconcile all things to HIMSELF, having made peace through the blood of HIS cross; through HIM.
Through HIM we get to be with HIM!
Love Bro. Scott