As I type this devo, there are currently billions of people who are spiritually chained to sin and it's wages (Eternal Death). Jesus died to break those chains for ALL who will believe in Him. By God's Grace, we have been given the opportunity to be unshackled from eternal death, and receive eternal life. To do this we needed to be given the gospel message. Paul says that he shared what was given to him, that Christ died for our sins. That He was buried and that He rose again on the third day to eternal life, according to the scriptures. Romans tells us that this Gospel message is the power of God for salvation. Romans also ask the question, how will they believe unless they hear, and how will they hear unless someone proclaims the gospel to them. Jesus solved this issue by commanding the church to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. So at His command we are to go. Yet, many refuse to do this because we don't think we know how. The Lord addresses this as well. He tells us how we are to approach the sharing of the Gospel in our text today. Hebrews 13:3 NASB1995 Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.
We are to go to the prisoner that is chained to sin, as if we ourselves are in chains to sin. This is not difficult because we all were until Christ unshackled us. In other words put yourself in their place because you used to be in their place. The same way with those who are suffering in the decaying of their body as you also are in the body. Put yourself in their place because you used to be in their place. You are a sinner saved by grace presently living in the decaying flesh with the promise of a new body. Either that or you don't have to put yourself in their place because you are still there, and just like them you are in need of the Savior Jesus!
People sharing the gospel is easy when you put yourself in their place. Remember that you used to be in the prison of sin but the power of God (the gospel) was delivered to you by someone who put themselves in your place. The command has been given to be like Jesus. He put himself in your place on the cross!
Love Bro. Scott