When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, there was no one to tell them they had done wrong. However, when God came they hid themselves. They did this because they had realized their nakedness. In sin, they felt shame for their nakedness. Sin had diminished the perfect beauty of God's creation and now they saw each other with fleshly lust. The moral fiber God had placed in them had revealed that this was wrong so they covered and hid themselves.
We still have that same moral fiber or God-given standard that comes with being created in the image of God. Paul says in Romans 2:15, in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them,
We translate the word that describes this Godly standard as conscience. We instinctively know the Righteousness of God from the evil of Satan. This is why people attempt to hide their evil actions from the light of day. Paul says it this way, "they show the work of the Law written in their hearts,"
Now each generation sees their body get one step further from the Godly design. The glorious body began to deteriorate from the moment sin made its presence known. Satan has pushed hard against the standard that is instinctively written inside of us so that we see less and less the revelation of the wrongs of evil. Today, sex outside of marriage, mind-altering drug usage, lying, pride, homosexuality, and much more are no longer hidden and are looked at as righteous. The only thing keeping this from happening completely is the rebirth of new believers who see their God-given moral standards continue to grow as they pray, study God's word, serve, and live for Christ. As we grow and live we feel as Paul says, our conscience bearing witness and our thoughts alternately accusing or else defending us. We then need to share the Truth as God has engraved inside of us His Righteousness. If we Share the Truth with those who are lost, it will gradually clean away the dirt that has covered the engraved word of God. It will then reveal the moral fiber or Godly Standard referred to as conscience that God placed in man at the beginning. Whether or not they will listen to it is totally their free will decision. Our service is not to save but to Share the Way, by Sharing the Truth, as we Share the Life with them that we have in Jesus. Then let God's standard in them accuse or defend their eternal existence location.
Love Bro. Scott