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Today I want to share with you something exciting!

Scripture tells us in Romans 8:29 that Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren. It is speaking of believers who have been adopted into the family of God by grace through faith. Then scripture also says in Hebrews 2:11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Jesus and those of us who are sanctified (made holy) through the blood of Jesus by grace through faith are both children of God Almighty. This brings us to our text today. Hebrews 2:14 NASB1995 Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil,

My children share some of the same DNA as me. They have my DNA, they have my characteristics, they have my looks. Now they are probably cringing at this thought, and I don't blame them, but they know it to be true. They will sometimes make facial expressions that look just like me. They have some of my struggles that I passed down to them, and worst of all, they have the sin seed, which is passed from Father to child. I received this from my Dad and I gave it to my children. With this sin seed (sinful nature) comes death both physical and eternal. Jesus, who had none of this because His Father is God, took of the same that through death, He would render Satan, who has the power of death, powerless. Jesus humbled Himself and took on death so that Satan would be powerless over us, and we could have life by grace through faith.

Thank you, Jesus!

Even though we have the sin seed from our father, we can be adopted by grace through faith into the family of God. In this family, we get a new glorious body with no sin seed. Instead of the sin seed, we are given the Holy seed of God! This is why I have told and continue to tell my children to follow Christ. Because through His humble actions on the cross, they can get rid of the sin seed I passed down and inherit the traits of their Heavenly Father God. Then they can pass it on also.

We who have God as our Father can pass this Holy seed to everyone by simply sharing the good news (Gospel) of Jesus. Sharing with them that If they have faith, they can, by the Grace of God, not be slaves to death but have eternal life!

Through Jesus by grace through faith, all can be saved. They can be saved from eternal death to life in God's presence for the rest of eternity!

Now that is exciting stuff!

That is even better than sports, politics, money, sex, or any other thing Satan tempts you with.

Love Bro. Scott

Faith means to believe to the point of committing to truth.


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